Jayati jayati Bhaarata Maataa.

In a recent post I have written a little bit about the great singer,Tanguturi Surya Kumari. .There is another song of her in Bilahari raagam, penned by Dr. Balantrapu Rajani Kanta Rao,
” Maadee Swatantra Desam, maadee swatantra jatee”, which was a favourite of my mother, and which we as children used to croon on National Days at school. I will try to write about it in another post some time later.

For now, here is a link to another great Sanskrit lyric which similarly was one of our favourites in our childhood, “Jayati jayati Bharatamaata”,authored by Mayuuram Viswanadha Sastri, set to music in Khamas ragam, Adi talam Tisra nadaka.

I remember that there is a fourth Charanam which goes like this.

“”Amita kaladhharaa, atula nidhi vistaaraa,
Vimata bhaya vidooraa, Viswa sangeeta saaraa.”

You may like to check out this video on YouTube, rendered by Sudha Raghunathan

You can read about the author of this ever-popular lyric in an article you can find at the following link http://www.karnatik.com/co1033.shtml

About versa kay

Agile, keen, versatile,considerate,patient
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